Feb and March 2008
Syntel Outsourcing Services
Mumbai and Pune, India
Publicity we sent to Syntel:
Music helps in attaining a pure state of consciousness. A relaxed body and mind increases personal magnetism. There is immediate relief from stress. It is like a great river that merges the streams of Vedic, Tantric and Devotional sound and carries them towards the vast ocean of consciousness.
The wonderful bonus of this practice of meditating with music is that the process, the journey itself, is highly pleasant. Every step of the way you are bathing yourself in uplifting sounds and music
, balancing and healing your heart, mind and spirit.
Michael Braudy, an experienced musician in both Western and North Indian classical music will be conducting a session on ‘Meditation through Music’ on Friday, the 15th of February.

Next dates and times: You are too late – it is all over!
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