Michael Braudy has over 30 years of experience in giving workshops using music for health and meditation with violin and voice, in the United States and abroad.
Michael has given workshops in New York City Metropolitan area at the Park Slope Food Coop, Dorot for Seniors, World Yoga Conference, Newark Museum Ethnoscience Fair, Tree of Life Yoga, Sufi Books and St. Marks Church in Forest Hills.
Outside New York he has offered workshops at Long Beach Public Library, The Railyard in Santa Fe, New Mexico and Smith Farm at the Washington DC Hospital Center.
He has also offered it at the School of T’ai Chi Chuan at Summer and Winter trainings in New York City, in Malverne and Wiltshire in England, and in Amsterdam.
Sound and Health through Music Workshop
In this workshop with Michael Braudy, music guides participants into a place of deep relaxation within. We pay attention to our breathing and to the effect of the music as it calms and focuses our bodies and minds, and to the moments of quiet between the periods of music. Michael plays Indian ragas, Celtic music and Bach on the violin, and invites us to sing together to enliven the overall experience, with no singing experience required and participation voluntary. The short periods of silence between the musical experiences reduce stress, deepen breathing, and calm the emotions and mind. Brief movements from Tai Chi Qigong for relaxation and vitality. Participants report a relaxed body and mind, deeper and slower breathing, and awareness of the vibration of the music in the body.
In addition, Michael offers individual sessions of Sound and Health through Music. Send him a message from the Contact page for more information.
Format of a Workshop in Sound and Health through Music for Relaxation and Stress-Reduction
• Listening postures
• Stillness between musical experiences
• The notes for vocalizations and handout
First piece – an Indian raga
• Listen to violin
• Listen to my voice
• Vocalize with me – I sing and then join me
A Tai Chi Qigong movement
Same as above with other Indian raga notes or Celtic music
Bach Allemande on solo violin followed by silent sitting
Sharing of experiences from the session
Some Past Sound and Health Through Music Workshops
Park Slope Food Coop (2013, 2014)
Dorot for Seniors (2011 and 2012)
School of T’ai Chi Chuan Summer and Winter trainings in NYC
Malverne and Wiltshire, England and Amsterdam (2008-2013)
World Yoga Conference (2009)
Rivington House (2006-2008)
Newark Museum Ethnoscience Fair (2006 and 2007)
Rivington House (2007)
Tree of Life Yoga (2004-2006)
September Space (2006)
Share (2006)
The Railyard, Santa Fe (2006)
Matagiri (2006)
Smith Farm at Washington DC Hospital Center (2006)
Long Beach Public Library (2005)
Purple Crayon Factory Minneapolis (2005)
Sufi Books, NYC (2005)
St. Marks Church, Forest Hills (2005)

Testimonials from Participants
“Attending the Sound into Stillness workshop was a deeply enriching experience. The workshop provided a profound sense of relaxation, especially in my shoulders, and the overall effect was soothing for my entire body.”
Ian Lopez, Board Certified Health Coach at Curimana Wellness
“During the session something released, and my chest felt calm, and my breathing changed. It was such a wonderful experience, and I thank you Michael for your beautiful playing.”
Colette McCormac, Instructor, Suaimhneas School of Tai Chi Chuan (SSTCC) Dublin
“I liked your combination of information, instruction, music, and our own chanting.”
Sheila Laffey PhD, Film Producer/Director
“The Bach with tamboura was a real pleasure. I appreciated your phrases and the pace of it.”
Feargus Heatherington, Violinist/Violist
“Michael is so passionate about his music. He imparts to you the divine in his playing.”
Carol Zeitlin, Ed Therapist/Transformative Coach
“I think my ability to discern tone may be improving.”
Frances Korbely-Cantor, acupuncturist
”Relaxing and energizing at the same time”
“The music felt meditative and spiritual to me, the singing an emotional release I had never experienced singing before.”
“I especially enjoyed the chance to sing in that safe, centered and meditative way.”
“Michael’s warm, open demeanor created an atmosphere of trust and exploration.”
From Sound and Health Workshop Feedback Forms
“The music felt meditative and spiritual to me, the singing an emotional release I had never experienced singing before.”
“I especially enjoyed the chance to sing in that safe, centered and meditative way.”
”Relaxing and energizing at the same time”
“(I am) totally relaxed, calm, quiet mind, peaceful spirit.”
“Michael’s warm, open demeanor created an atmosphere of trust and exploration.”
“I liked the exercises with Bach and Celtic music, because I did not traditionally associate such music with meditation.”
“Physically brought into touch with my body.”
“Not only did I reach a state of calm, centered and connected, I am leaving with specific tools I can use for myself and in my work.”
“This violin – most powerful sound.”
“This is a teaching workshop. It is the kind of class we need.”
“Brought me a deep sense/feeling of peace and love”
“I liked contrasting Irish music to Indian.”
“Your session provides an immense amount of calm to the mind and spirit.”
What will you take away with you from this experience?
“Learned to appreciate music as having a calming and meditative effect on all systems of our body.”
“Noticing where vocalized sounds vibrate in my body”
“I can apply the experience to my paintings.”
“I would like to paint to music and movement.”
“Would like to share with other seniors”
“Sing some notes when starting or during my meditation.”
“Awareness that sound and silence can have a place in meditation.”
“My breath deepened and I felt warmth in my chest and hands.”
“I feel more present, balanced, and centered.”
“Many of my friends are into yoga and meditation and this workshop would enhance their appreciation of it.”
“I would especially recommend it to other music therapists interested in multicultural music therapy.”
“The workshop could certainly be adapted as an experience for church choirs.”