Michael Braudy



Ragas for the Heart and Circulatory System


[tab title=”Track 1″]
Carnatic Todi is an evening raga, with the rasas, or moods, of devotion and sympathy. The combination of lowered notes emphasized in this recording is intended to produce a soothing effect on the emotions, a result of the cascading downward flow of notes which may benefit the circulatory system by regulating blood pressure.

Dr. P. Bharathi – veena
Ashaman – guitar
K.V. Balakrishnan – tabla

Carnatic Todi - Sample 1
Carnatic Todi - Sample 2
Carnatic Todi - Sample 3
[tab title=”Track 2″]
Rag Shubhapantuvarali, a raga of devotion, also acts on the heart. (The Sanskrit word Sumanas, can be translated as “Good Heart”). The rhythm of the recording approximately matches that of the human heartbeat.

Dr. P. Bharathi – veena
Michael Braudy – violin
K.V. Balakrishnan – tabla

Rag Shubhapantuvarali - Sample 1
Rag Shubhapantuvarali - Sample 2
Rag Shubhapantuvarali - Sample 3
[tab title=”Track 3″]
Rag Pilu evokes sympathy and devotion, like the 2nd track, and also emphasizes the emotion of love.

Dr. P. Bharathi – veena

Rag Pilu
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