Michael Braudy

Hymns From the Rig Veda

Hymns From the Rig Veda

Composed four millenniums before our own time, the Rig Veda remains the most ancient living text. In its entirety, it is a collection of over 1000 hymns, which contain the mythology of the Hindu gods. Maintained by an unbroken oral tradition, it is still an active, sustaining force in the religious and philosophical tradition of India.

Several of these Hymns, translated by Jean Le Mee, are brought to life in a live reading by Chrys Salt, with the improvised music of Michael Braudy on the violin.

Chrys Salt – voice
Michael Braudy – violin

Hymn to the Dawn
Hymn to the Sun
Hymn to Indra
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Hymns From the Rig Veda
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